Funding Helps Patients With Lymphedema
Patient with lymphedema (left) and same patient after using compression stocking (right).
Lymphedema is the swelling of an area of the body that has resulted from a build-up of fluid under the skin due to a malfunctioning or damaged lymphatic system, due to trauma, surgery or after cancer treatment. While it cannot be cured, it can be managed. Swedish Hospital established a Lymphedema Clinic in 2017 with unrestricted donor funds, to help patients with this debilitating condition. Since that time, the Clinic has provided over 3,100 patient visits to help individuals manage their chronic swelling. So many Swedish patients have found relief through the Lymphedema Clinic, that there is now an urgent need to provide more compression bandages and stocking for our uninsured and low-income patients.
This year, our most vulnerable lymphedema patients who suffer from chronic swelling of their arms, legs or neck, will have greater access to free compression stockings. Juanita Robinson, RN/BSN, who works in the Lymphedema/Wound Care Clinics and sees first-hand the impact additional funding has on our patients, explains, “ The ability to provide a properly- measured compression stocking for a patient’s leg at no-cost, will finally give them the support they need to be able to fit into a pair of shoes again!” Juanita continues, “ It gives my breast cancer survivors the support they need to afford arm garments to improve their ability to do basic household cleaning with less pain and swelling in the arms, and it gives my head and neck cancer survivors the ability to have an easier time swallowing once the compression therapy softens the facial and neck swelling.”
For those patients who have received free compression stockings, the results are impactful. According to Hanna L., who has severe abdominal swelling due to a mastectomy, “…the compression vest and arm sleeve which the hospital provided to me free, give me support and compression to help me manage my condition so it does not get worse. Bless you for this!” Stephen D. is also very thankful for his compression socks, because, “…my insurance doesn’t cover the cost and they are expensive.” Stephen continues, “Now I wear them every day, the fluid is moving to get the swelling out, and my legs are back on track to getting healthy. I am so thankful for the help.”
Every dollar donated to the Foundations makes a difference. As Juanita gratefully acknowledges, “Your support is truly-life changing. Even though this condition cannot be cured; it can be managed at a level that can get our patients back to a good level of independence!” To help support a current program or fund, please call the Foundation Office at 772-293-5121 or donate online.