Donate to our $25,000 match and double your impact!

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Swedish Hospital Foundation is pleased to announce that a very generous grateful patient has offered a matching gift to provide women with access to lifesaving mammography services. All gifts made by December 31st will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $25,000. Please consider making your year-end contribution to Swedish Hospital to help reach our goal of raising $50,000. Click here to make your gift to Swedish Hospital to help the Community Breast Health Program continue being accessible to patients who lack the critical resources needed for healing. See the letter below from Dr. Dorothy Lam highlighting Lisa’s story about how the program helped save her life. Join us in our cause today!

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Dear Friend:

You never think you’ll need a doctor – until you do.  As a radiologist at Swedish Hospital, I see patients whose lives are changed in a moment’s notice.  For this reason, I write to ask you for a charitable donation to support the Community Breast Health Program, which supports women in need of diagnostic screenings, ultrasounds, and biopsies regardless of their ability to pay.

Your support will help people like Lisa, a recently widowed mother of two school-aged boys. Her job was reduced to part-time due to the Covid19 pandemic, during which she also lost her insurance.  Lisa and her boys live with her mother who helps with child care and online school when she has to work.  With no insurance, her finances in flux, and managing her job and children, Lisa put off her mammogram for months.  She finally “squeezed in” an appointment after constant reminders from her mother.

Lisa’s life changed in a moment’s notice when her routine mammogram revealed an abnormality. A biopsy confirmed it was cancer.

After the initial shock of a cancer diagnosis, Lisa worried about follow-up care.  Our Breast Health Navigator called Lisa and assured her that the Community Breast Health Program would cover the costs associated with her diagnostic tests.  She also gave Lisa the tools and support she needed to manage her care throughout her journey of healing. 

Lisa is now cancer-free and is back to living her life without the added worry and stress of managing breast cancer along with the rest of her life.

Each year, Swedish Hospital screens over 800 under-insured women. This year, however, breast cancer screenings have declined by 52% across the nation, including Chicago, due to the fear of contracting COVID19.  In the coming months, we expect a flood of diagnoses potentially at the advanced stages.  Will you help us prepare for the increased need in mammograms and advanced screenings by making a donation to the Community Breast Health Program today?

Thanks to an anonymous donor, all gifts made by December 31st will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $25,000. Your gift to Swedish Hospital makes the Community Breast Health Program accessible to patients who lack the critical resources needed for healing.  Please make a gift today to help patients like Lisa get the best treatment available should they need it.


Dorothy Lam, MD
Department of Radiology

P.S. Did you know? The CARES act passed by Congress earlier this year allows additional provisions for the use of charitable contributions as tax deductions.  For specific legal or tax advice, please consult a tax advisor.  


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