October 22, 2016
Hilton Chicago
Benefitting Patient Care
Spirit of Compassion Award Recipients: Witz Family and Pastoral Care
The 61st Annual Benefit Gala, Kaleidoscope, broke fundraising records at Swedish Covenant Hospital by raising $1 million for the Patient Care Fund. Nearly 900 attendees, including hospital physicians and community leaders, came together to support employee-driven creative solutions to enhance the overall patient experience at Swedish Covenant Hospital. The event was held Oct. 22 at the Hilton Chicago. Mark and Karen Newton chaired the event.
“We are honored to have served as the chairs of the 61st annual gala,” Mark Newton said. “Karen and I wanted to take a leadership role this year as an expression of our gratitude to the Foundation and the Hospital for the incredible opportunity afforded me over the last 17 years. We are humbled by the overwhelming support of sponsors, attendees and donors who have shown that they truly care about Swedish Covenant Hospital patients and want to ensure that patients receive the best care.”
The evening featured an elegant dinner, silent and live auctions, and live appeal, along with a variety of entertainment experiences including a bell choir, steel pannist, ballroom dancers and a live band. Dina Bair, reporter for WGN Morning News, emceed the evening’s program.
The Witz family and Swedish Covenant Hospital Pastoral Care were each awarded the 2016 Spirit of Compassion Award. The Witz family, and Continental Electrical Construction Company, have supported Swedish Covenant Hospital for nearly 60 years, helping to transform the hospital into the institution it is today. The Pastoral Care Department was honored for their service to Swedish Covenant Hospital patients.
Funds raised through the gala will help to expand a new concierge program to provide personalized services to patients and their families, reach more patients through the healing arts program; provide live music throughout the hospital; and provide comfort packages for patients.
Special thanks to elite sponsors Swedish Covenant Hospital Medical Staff, Medical Express Ambulance Service, Inc., Swedish Covenant Managed Care Alliance, Continental Electrical Construction Company, Covenant Ministries of Benevolence, The Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Lead Trust, North Park University, PNC and Wintrust for your partnership. Also, thank you to all of our supporters – Chairs Mark and Karen Newton, Co-Chairs Dr. Kavita Singh and Ron Chadha, the gala committee, Event Host Dina Bair, gala sponsors, guests, and volunteers – for making the 2016 gala the most successful event to date.